Membership Benefits

Supporters at the following tier levels are provided benefits on all listed tools and services of that level.

Supportive Citizen
Expedition Member
Tier Cost




Token Creator
  • Upload Tokens to Cloud.
  • Apply custom searchable tags.
  • Search and download multiple Tokens.
  • Store up to 10 Tokens*
  • All benefits from Supporter tier.
  • Use uploaded tokens in other future Ardent Rodent Tools (Proxima / AR Tabletop)
  • Store up to 250 Tokens*
  • All benefits from Expedition tier.
  • Store up to 1000 Tokens*
Proxima Toolkit
[Coming Soon]
  • Join games hosted by members.
  • All benefits from Supporter tier.
  • Save and load Maps from the cloud.
  • Host games for members.
  • All benefits from Expedition tier.
  • Host up to five non-member guest players.
  • Join a game hosted by an Explorer tier member to provide your five non-member guest slots.**
AR Tabletop
  • To Be Determined...
  • To Be Determined...
  • Will include ability to share AR Tabletops to other member mobile devices.
  • Will include access to AR Tabletop Web Viewer.
  • To Be Determined...
  • Will include a set number of non-membership guest users in member hosted games.**

(*) This number is subject to change (increase/decrease) based on usage metrics and server costs during initial release.

(**) A Non-Member Guest Slot is a space in a hosted game that becomes available when a member with the listed benefit joins a game.

This benefit applies EVEN IF the host member does not have this property. In addition, two or more members with this benefit stack guest slots.

Example: Two 'Navigator' tier members join a Proxima Toolkit game hosted by an 'Explorer', 10 additional guest slots will become available for that game.

Note: A 'Guest' can perform most necessary functions in a game but may not have access to all features (Example: Save / Load / Create New Games or Host).